Personal Injury Lawyers

Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck Accident Attorney

When dealing with a large truck accident claim, there may be several insurance companies and multiple parties involved.

Denlea & Carton truck accident attorneys are ready to advocate for you through all these complexities. 

Truck Accident Lawyers

Accidents involving large trucks often result in severe harm and often prove fatal. If you or a loved one have had the devastating experience of being in a big rig crash, an experienced lawyer can help you recover the compensation you deserve.

Thousands of large truck crashes happen every year in New York, despite the many federal and state regulations placed on commercial trucks. These accidents lead to a significant number of serious injuries for motorists in the state and more than 4,500 deaths per year in the U.S. 

Our White Plains truck accident lawyers have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of trucking injury victims. We have trucking lawyers throughout the region and, if you are currently home-bound or in a hospital, can come and work with you in whatever location is convenient for you. Our services are free until your truck accident case is favorably resolved, either by trial or settlement.

Is there a truck injury lawyer near me?

Our truck injury lawyers are available and ready to help you. Working with an attorney near you can make a difference in your case. Not only are we experienced with the White Plains courts, we can visit with you in the hospital and at home, if that is best for you, and you are always welcome in our office. We work throughout the Westchester County area, including White Plains, Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, Ossining, Port Chester, and Yonkers, as well as the rest of Westchester County and the surrounding counties of Albany, Orange, Dutchess, Rockland, Putnam and Sullivan.

What are common causes of truck accidents? 

A range of factors can lead to an accident that involves a big rig. They include: 

  • Speed: Truck accidents are more likely to happen when the truck driver is speeding. The size and weight of the truck makes it difficult to slow or stop if another vehicle pulls in front of it.
  • Driver impairment: Use of any substance that impairs a person’s ability to operate a vehicle safely can have devastating consequences. Driving under the influence or impaired may occur while using prescription drugs (even if they are prescribed by a medical provider) over-the-counter medications, alcohol, marijuana, and other illegal substances.
  • Weather: While weather cannot be controlled, truck accident risks can be minimized by drivers taking proper precautions.
  • Driver fatigue: When truck operators lack sleep or experience too much mental exertion, their ability to safely operate a vehicle is affected and chances of being involved in a collision increase. A study by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration indicates in crashes that involve commercial motor vehicles, 13% of the drivers were fatigued at the time of the crash.
  • Unsecured cargo: Acceleration, breaking, or turning can shift cargo that is unsecured. This sudden weight movement can cause a driver to lose control of the vehicle.
  • Regulation violations: Such regulations include length of driver shifts, and speed limits. Failing to follow these rules can increase risk of a crash.
  • Distracted driving: Texting or talking on a cellphone, reading, eating, etc, can lead to big truck accidents. 

What are common types of truck accidents?

The majority of fatal large truck crashes involve more than one vehicle. Most occur in rural areas or on interstate highways. While collision with another motor vehicle is the most common type of crash that results in serious injury or fatality, other accident types include:

  • Collision with a fixed object or parked car
  • Collision with a pedestrian or bicyclist
  • Rollover
  • Jackknife
  • Explosion or fire
  • Collision with a train
  • Cargo equipment loss or shift

What are common injuries from truck accidents? 

Occupants of other vehicles are more likely to be killed or injured in a large truck accident than the truck’s driver. It may be difficult to determine the extent of injuries in the immediate aftermath of the accident. If you or anyone else is injured in a truck accident, seek emergency medical treatment.

Common injuries from accidents that involve 18 wheelers, tractor-trailers, and semi-trucks include: 

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Skull fracture
  • Internal bleeding and other internal injuries
  • Severe lacerations
  • Broken bones
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Disfigurement 
  • Death

Even if you believe your injuries are not severe, you should be seen by a medical professional to assess your condition. Always continue treatment, including rehabilitation and physical therapy, until released by your doctor. Be sure to maintain all medical records. 

How is fault determined in a truck crash?

There can be more than one person legally responsible for a truck accident. Navigating the multiple factors involved in a case can be difficult. Our experienced trucking accident lawyers can help make sense of the situation and provide experienced litigation services. 

Common causes of trucking company liability include:

  • Improper securing of a load
  • Failing to maintain trucks
  • Forcing drivers to take shifts of illegal lengths

Accidents can also occur due to a manufacturing fault and legal liability can fall on manufacturing companies. 

Even if you are partially-at-fault, you may be able to receive compensation for economic and non-economic damages, which may provide critical financial support in a time of crisis. 

Why should I seek representation if I’ve been involved in a truck accident?

When dealing with a large truck accident claim, there may be several insurance companies and multiple parties involved. Our truck accident attorneys are ready to advocate for you through all these complexities. 

While insurance and trucking companies may want to settle with you quickly and for as little as possible, working with a trucking lawyer before signing anything will ensure you get the recovery or settlement due to you. 

Denlea & Carton’s large trucking attorneys lean on decades of experience and will:

  • Ensure all parties are properly notified of their potential liability (and your damages) so that your right to recovery is not limited and your claim for damages is not dismantled by trucking or insurance companies.
  • Conduct investigations
  • Take depositions 
  • Subpoena evidence such as: maintenance and repair records, black box data, background checks and driving records, FMCSA safety records, driver medical history, toxicology reports
  • Engage subject matter experts
  • Build a strategic case for trial (if necessary)
  • Apply deep knowledge of regulations around complex trucking accident law

Our Westchester County truck injury attorneys protect your interests and your recovery. You may be entitled to receive damages for:

  • Medical care expenses
  • Physical pain
  • Emotional suffering
  • Loss of earnings and wages
  • Funeral expenses

Our truck crash attorneys stand up to trucking companies and insurers. We bring over 35 years of experience in winning compensation for truck injury victims and their families to your claim. You should never have to settle for less than your case is worth. 

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