Personal Injury Lawyers

Personal Injury Lawyers

Personal Injury Lawyers

After an accident, victims face many hurdles. At Denlea & Carton, we allow you to focus solely on your recovery, not financial burdens. If someone else’s negligence, recklessness or misconduct has caused you or a loved one to suffer a personal injury, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the responsible person or entities. 

Personal injury lawsuits can recover compensation for damages, both economic and non-economic, related to the injury. Our personal injury lawyers will fight to get you the maximum compensation available by law.

Is there a personal injury lawyer near me?

Our personal injury law firm has a lawyer near you. We know that working with an accident lawyer near you can make a difference through offering services based on a clear understanding of your needs and life experiences. 

We have recovered more than $100,000,000 in verdicts and settlements for victims of personal injury.

Our personal injury lawyers are waiting to help you throughout the region, including White Plains, Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, Ossining, Port Chester, and Yonkers, as well as the counties of Albany, Orange, Dutchess, Rockland, Putnam and Sullivan.

What is a personal injury lawsuit?

If you have suffered an injury you may be able to file claims for economic and non-economic damages. When another party is found legally responsible for a personal injury, then a personal injury lawsuit can be filed against that party. 

In many cases, settlements can be gained without going to court. However, our personal injury lawyers will not hesitate to take your case to trial to get the verdict you deserve.

What is considered a catastrophic injury?

Personal injuries that are permanent and/or require ongoing treatment are catastrophic injuries.

Catastrophic personal injuries can include: 

Injuries that require treatment, including surgery, but that a patient will fully recover from are categorized as serious injuries.

Serious personal injuries can include: 

  • Broken bones
  • First- or second-degree burn
  • Concussion

What are common causes of personal injury?

An untold number of circumstances can cause the suffering of a personal injury. However, common causes include:

  • Vehicle accidents
  • Slip-and-fall
  • Defective and malfunctioning products
  • Medical malpractice
  • Birth injuries
  • Failure to provide safe premises 

What are common types of personal injury?

Any number of sustained injury types can result in a personal injury lawsuit. Common injury types include:

  • Fatal injury: someone else’s neglect and/or misconduct causes a loved one’s death.
  • Traumatic brain injury/spinal cord injury: concussions, herniated disks, spinal fractures, and other back, neck, or head injury.
  • Limb injury: compression fracture, bone fracture, and amputation injury 
  • Soft-tissue injury: sprains, strains, and other injuries that results in damage and harm
  • Foot/ankle/knee injury: sprains, strains, contusions, Achilles tendon injury
  • Burns
  • Vision loss
  • Disfigurement 

If you have lost a loved one in a catastrophic accident, you may be eligible to receive financial compensation for medical costs, funeral expenses, loss of one’s spouse, pain and suffering, and loss of future income. Although money does not relieve the grief and sorrow that such a loss can cause, it can help the bereaved ease some financial distress.

How do personal injuries happen?

Though injuries and the situations that cause them may be similar, no two are exactly the same. In creating a successful personal injury case, determining how injuries occurred and responsibility for those injuries is critical. A compensation lawyer helps navigate the specifics of each case.

These are some injurious situations clients have experienced: 

  • Drunk and drugged drivers
  • Distracted and drowsy drivers
  • Uninsured and underinsured motorists 
  • Dangerous roads
  • Defective airbags and other safety equipment 
  • Defective design or manufacturing
  • Accidents with passenger injury
  • Accidents in parking lots
  • Insurance bad faith 
  • Third-party lawsuits

Beyond auto accidents, we have represented clients who sustained a serious and catastrophic personal injury on another person’s property (including construction sites, theme parks, etc.), and at nursing homes and assisted living facilities. 

We have also fought for individuals injured in bike accidents, pedestrian accidents, while under a professional’s care and at the hands of law enforcement.

We will not rest until all responsible parties are held liable. Accident and injury cases can involve complex litigation. We want you to receive the justice and compensation you deserve.

What should you know about personal injury lawsuits?

Our Westchester personal injury lawyers have recovered over $100,000,000 in verdicts and settlements for our clients. We provide compassionate yet aggressive representation.

In the midst of a personal injury or the loss of a loved one, you need to focus on recovery. Putting your case in the hands of trusted legal counsel can help remove the stress of financial concerns from that recovery. Our personal injury attorneys draw on over a century of combined experience to represent victims of catastrophic accidents. 

What are economic and non-economic damages?

In a personal injury case, your lawyer will fight to win claims for both economic and non-economic damages. Your lawyer can also help identify damages to include in your lawsuit. These include anything that has a verifiable monetary amount, such as:

  • Loss of current wages
  • Loss of future earnings
  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Cost of repair or replacement

Personal injury can affect the victim’s quality of life. Not all of these impacts have a very specific monetary value. Some are considered non-economic damages and can be part of a settlement. These include:

  • Distress
  • Pain
  • Inconvenience
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

What does negligence mean in personal injury law?

In personal injury litigation, a central claim is that the responsible entity was negligent and this negligence caused or allowed the victim’s injury to occur. We will work to identify key factors to determine if a claim of negligence exists in your case.

These are the basic elements of a negligence claim:

  • The defendant had a legal duty to the victim
  • The defendant failed to carry out their legal duty
  • The defendant’s failure to carry out the legal duty caused the personal injury
  • The personal injury caused harm to the victim

You do not need to navigate these issues alone. Reach out to our personal injury lawyers so that we can help determine the details of your claim.

How much is a personal injury lawsuit worth?

The factors that determine the value of personal injury claims included

  • Severity of injuries 
  • Cost of current and future treatments
  • Loss of income
  • Precedent based on compensations awarded in similar cases

What is the duration of a personal injury case?

Factors such as the extent of the injuries, the number of defendants involved, and the possibility of insurance covering damages are among the factors that determine the length of a personal injury lawsuit. 

Simple cases tend to resolve quickly. However, extensive injury, dispute over fault, and multiple entities at fault can take longer to resolve.

Can you wait to file a personal injury lawsuit?

We suggest you reach out to us and start the process to file a claim quickly. Most personal injury lawsuits have a statute of limitations, which means that your time to receive compensation can run out. 

Generally, victims only have two years after their injury, though, if plaintiffs do not learn about harm until well after an injurious event occurred, then the statute of limitations begins to run only after the plaintiff knows or reasonably should have known of the injury. If you need help, let us help you now.

How much does a personal injury lawyer cost?

We will only be paid if you recover a settlement or award damages. This means, until you receive the compensation we provide free legal advice and services. We will stand by you in the fight and you will only be charged if you obtain a monetary recovery.

What services will your personal injury attorney provide?

An experienced injury claim lawyer will advocate on your behalf and ensure your rights are protected, so you obtain the entire financial compensation to which you are entitled.

We work through the complexities of understanding a case, investigating the detailed records needed to support the case, as well as bringing expert testimony to support your claims. Based on our years of experience, we understand the process and what needs to happen to reach successful outcomes.

Your experienced personal injury attorney will:

  • Interview witnesses
  • Ensure evidence is not compromised
  • Meet all paperwork and filing deadlines
  • Gather any necessary medical records
  • Arrange for expert testimony
  • Determine responsibility for the personal injury

Beyond these actions, we offer compassion and care for our clients. We understand injury and accident law and we understand what our clients are going through. 

Our personal injury attorneys don’t build their success on the number of cases we handle each year, but on winning the maximum financial compensation for injury victims.

Personal injury can turn your life upside-down. Beyond physical difficulties, financial challenges can arise. While you still have to take care of standard monthly expenses, medical bills and other costs can pile up. We know that many difficult questions may emerge: What happens if I can’t work? What happens if I can never work again? How can I help myself and my family? We are here to help you as you navigate such questions. 

Without representation, often people receive settlements far less than their actual case is worth because the cases do not take into consideration things like the extent of injury or lost wages and future medical costs. We do not want you to settle for less than is available to you.

We take our role as counsellors, advocates, and trial lawyers very seriously. We listen to you, keep you updated, and always put your interests first to ensure that we are getting the best possible result for you. We see you as a partner in your claim. 

Let our lawyers’ passion for helping accident victims help you. If you or a loved one have suffered a serious personal injury due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, we will not rest until all responsible parties are held liable.

Is there a personal injury lawyer near me?

Our personal injury law firm has a lawyer near you. We know that working with an accident lawyer near you can make a difference through offering services based on a clear understanding of your needs and life experiences. 

We have recovered more than $100,000,000 in verdicts and settlements for victims of personal injury. We fight for injury victims throughout Westchester and the surrounding counties. 

This means our personal injury lawyers are waiting to help you throughout the region, including White Plains, Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, Ossining, Port Chester, and Yonkers as well as the counties of Albany, Orange, Dutchess, Rockland, Putnam and Sullivan.

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Our lawyers have been recognized with many of the most prestigious legal awards.

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